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Helping Hearts with Liv Perfusion: Empowering You to Excel.



Founded to empower and educate, Liv Perfusion provides comprehensive and career-enhancing resources for aspiring perfusionists and current practitioners. My mission is to illuminate the path to success in the diverse field of perfusion, making the journey straightforward and accessible for those with the passion and ambition to pursue it. 

Beating Heart: Your Complete Guide to Perfusion Education and Success is a stand-alone guide for those who aspire to delve into the intriguing field of perfusion. Constituting the first comprehensive map of its kind, this text navigates through the labyrinth of entering perfusion school to eventually carving out a successful career. It amalgamates the requisites for admission, thriving in the academic environment, and practical strategies for transitioning seamlessly into the professional realm. Imbued with wisdom and expertise, Beating Heart is an indispensable resource for would-be perfusionists, providing an unprecedented glimpse into this dynamic, life-sustaining profession. 

Beating Heart

Liv Perfusion

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